Friday, July 16, 2010

Ode to a Leggymajigger

This is a silly poem written to a house centipede, affectionately known as a "leggymajigger", because, well, they sure are leggy!

Ode to a Leggymajigger
Oh, high there little buddy!
You sure are quite leggy.
How many legs do you have, anyway?
I sure am mighty impressed.

I really like the way you move,
With your many, many, many legs oscillating.
It's super cool.
I wish I could do that!

Was it you I saw on my wall
a couple weeks ago?
Or was that your friend?
I know it wasn't you drowned in the sink.

Oh, dear leggy friend!
I hope there are bunches of you
to be companions for all the spiders
if you guys'll team up and eat the moths.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Let's Not Tell Anyone

This was a random writing prompt response written sometime in high school.

Let's Not Tell Anyone

Let's not tell anyone...

It was a mistake. We didn't mean to do it, right? So why does anyone have to know?

I mean, if someone asks us, like they come up and ask us directly about it, we'll tell. Of course we will. Lying is wrong. We're not going to be liars. We just won't say anything about it.

She has so many she probably won't even notice one is missing, will she? I don't think so. She's old, too. She probably doesn't even remember that good. So she probably won't notice, so it won't matter that it happened. It will be just like it didn't even happen at all if she doesn't notice, 'cause she's the only one who would.

If anyone asks, we'll say. We'll explain that we weren't aiming for the critter at all, but for the tree. It was there but we didn't even see it because it blended in and all. You know, because of its coloring. And we buried it because that was the right thing to do, wasn't it? Give it a proper send off. We'll tell them how we even said nice things about it like people do when stuff dies. It was all nice and respectful. We weren't trying to hide it, just do what's right.

Some people might think we did it on purpose, though, which is why we shouldn't tell anyone. Unless they ask, of course. You don't want to get spanked, do you? I don't.

The old lady probably won't even notice the cat is missing, so let's not tell anyone...